The Aandhimul Project's Blog

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Waiting for a main hole cover...

Lot's happening, even though a wee bit slower. We had problems with having the main hole cover done, the grill pasal (shop) where we left the high tech drawing could not actually read it, or understand it. So I got another one made at another place to replace it and of course waited Nepali style ( they said it will take an hour because they have to eat first!)

Anyway, yesterday I saw the first 200 meters of water tube being covered and the mountains where there in full view = that was amazing! It kind of got the connection away from the horrible noisy streets and endless shops of black tubes, to a really amazing site and actually for its purpose. Providing water for the people of Aandhimul.

Shivaratri - we have 2 days holiday here.

Soon we will finish the first intake and then have to start on the second intake - the Korika village will be helping. All people from our village even the skilled people decided to work for free! We have to provide Khadja (lunch) and only pay people if we have to bring them from further away - so the ferocement - we will need experts to build, and in our high designed plan we have about 7 intakes to build!!!!

Which means I need 8 main hole covers so I hope that this place can make it well!

Better go, must be a bit of the hard a!?se, so that things get done!!!

The coffee brothers are leaving tomorrow (thank you so much for their efforts, it means a lot to the Project) and the villagers want to give a big farewell to them - think they had really good impact on a few people, especially Kissan (one of the young project supported teachers who also runs the youth club) - he really has been great, taking so much care to ensure everything is ok!

Yesterday The coffee brothers had chow mein at Pampha's (local shop/cafe on the main Kathmandu/Pokhara road 20 mins walk from Aandhimul) - the Dhal Bhaat (traditional Nepali meal) was too much, but we still were able to give the unwanted food to more hungry bellies, so that was all good!

Think we now have spent over 4 lacks from the money sent to Choice. Still, I need to buy cement and have money to pay for some experts ...but trying to keep all tight, the villagers ate only chura yesterday - the flat dry rice...

Jolana x

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