The Aandhimul Project's Blog

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Last Full Day in Aandhimul

Today was the last full day that all of us would be together in the village. It turned out to be a day of mixed emotions. Angela, Jolana & Yoshie along with Mon cleared up some of the teacher training, reflecting and doing many questions and answers with the teachers and wrapping the previous weeks work.

Then we finished the day taking in the atmosphere in and around the village. Actually, because of the heat we visited the local swimming pool. A small, natural pool in the valley where two rivers meet. It was Jolana and me who decided to join the kids, as you can see in the pictures above. It was great fun! Also, earlier that day we did our usual morning trip to filter some water from a local spring, see both the video below and pictures above. An important part of our day, though with high temperatures it was very difficult to have enough water for the whole day, and I think that had an effect on us all. Dehydration levels were high, we can see the trouble it must be for the people here especially during the hotter months.

I managed to capture some great pictures of some children eating their breakfast, as you can see in the pictures at the top of the page. But regularly we would notice that many of these children would not get adequately fed, which has strengthed our approach to feeding them well at school, and putting forward other initiatives to help the families too. Even something simple as awareness, because many families do earn enough money to give a reasonable diet but it has been made clear that much money is lost or misused for many different reasons and we want to help change that.


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