The Aandhimul Project's Blog

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Water & School Renovation

This morning I decided to go and see where one of the villages water sources was coming from. So I could understand how we could improve the infrastructure to create more taps and washing facilities within the community. You can see the source in the video below.

The village itself comprises of two main parts, a north side of the village and a south side of the village split by a valley and river. And this split is enough to have caused many problems in the past and to this day, often creating disagreements between either sides on issues such as schooling and water. The issues will the school I will discuss at a later date

So today it was the source point of the north of the village where I visited, the point which runs towards the direction of the school, though the school itself doesn't has a direct water point. I will be planning to visit the south side of the village's water source in the next few days, and I will write a detailed blog discussing the overall water problems soon.

As for the school renovation, it's coming on well, things are very busy and there are many people working on it. You can see in images 3 to 8, a lot of the action that is occuring right now. Both Mon, myself, committee members and school teachers are happy to see things progressing.

On a funny or should I say, a little scary note. The workers found and killed 2 snakes whilst removing the stabilising rocks from the roof (see images 9 & 10). It gave them a bit of a shock, but for me I was happy to see a snake, it was my first time. Though sadly dead, but for the safety of the workers and the children.

I will be updating you in later blog entries on the progress of the renovation.

One last thing, I managed to capture a nice image of some young children helping with the chores. You can see in image 13 children carrying back the recently washed plates and kettle. What good children they are!


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