The Aandhimul Project's Blog

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Village Life

Today I spent the day trying to take in the everyday life of the village and wanted to capture it with my camera and the images above, and videos below hopefully give you a nice feel, they are quite self explanatory. Though the modern toy vs. traditonal toy is a good one to explain.

I brought with me a powerball, I not sure if many of you know what a powerball is!?! But, it's a device which has a weighted gyroscope inside of it, and the aim is to start it spinning with a string and then keep it going by rotating your wrist. It's main purpose is for strength building of the lower arm, but it's also fun to see how fast you can make it spin and even better I bought the one which has a blue light that glows stronger, the faster the gyro spins.

The kids loved it, and so did the adults, and at first they found it difficult. But once used to it they enjoyed making it glow and feeling the pain it causes in the arm when you try and go too fast or keep it spinning for too long. You can see James, a village member finding it quite easy to spin, in the video below.

As for the traditional one, it's intuition I guess, and impressed me more than my modern toy. However, the quality of the paths in the village makes this tradtional toy not so easy to use (check the video bottom right).


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